WebGuy Update
As we all approach what will be the new normal for the time being, we still want to stay in touch virtually. We would like you to be our WebGuy! Send us updates and photos on what your family is doing to keep busy and how remote classes are working for your cadet! We’ll give you some updates on our end as well. Since classes start on the 25th, send us updates by the 28th so we can start working on our WebGuy goes remote blog for the next week. Parent's of USAFA Prep School CC's are also encouraged to participate. Send all your pictures and tidbits to our email, webguy@aogusafa.org.
Some additional information
Message from the Dean, “Welcome to a historical moment for USAFA! You — the Class of 2020 — are leading and mentoring a cadet wing that is the first to be enrolled at USAFA during a global pandemic, to take classes remotely, and to attend classes from over 3,000 locations! . . . Classes will resume remotely for all four classes on Wednesday, March 25.
We know you’re going to handle these unprecedented times with honor, integrity and grit. Make sure you’re communicating any issues through your leadership chain. Check Air Force Academy official sites for additional guidance and updated information."
Here’s some of our favorite links to occupy your time!