Today the Falcon Wings Introduction happended at the Husky Threatre!
Webguy's Prep School Blog
Today was the Fall Prep School PFT. All 3 squadrons completed the test. With 80 Cadet Candidates in each squadron, it was nonstop for 2 hours. WebGuy got rained out in the last 20 minutes, but we got pictures of all the Cadet Candidates!
Prep School PT today! The last PT of BMT.
Prep School Land Navigation- Bravo Squadron. 5 more days until graduation and then the Trainees become Cadet Canidates.
The Prep School does PT every morning at 6AM. It was a beautiful morning and we will be back out there on friday!
Prep School Land Navigation - Alpha Squadron
the Trainees did classroom and Land Navigation today. 6 more days until BMT Graduation and then Trainees become Cadet Canidates!
Prep Land Navigation - Charlie Squadron
Prep School Drill happened today! With the tempuratues in the 90's , all the training was inside.