USAFA Prep School Husky Olympics

This was a morale event put on by The Prep School’s Diversity and Inclusion Officers. The Prep School wanted to give special thanks to the parents for their donations,they helped provide the black Husky Olympic t-shirts that the CC’s were wearing.  

Additionally, the staff joined in on the fun as well, it was a great Prep School event that they hope to be able to replicate in future years.




Some of the winners of the events were Basketball-Alpha, Volleyball-Charlie, Academic Bowl-Charlie, Tug-0-War-Bravo, Dodgeball-Alpha, Track Rely-Alpha, and Football-Charlie.


To view all the photos from the 2022 Husky Olympics go to, Classes > Prep School > Prep Sports, SET SORT TO OLDEST TO NEWEST-pg. 43 or click the link below.

Husky Olympics