Prep Birthday Dinner

Last night was the monthly dinner for Preppies with birthdays during the month.  This dinner included birthdays in July and August.  It is a tradition unique to the prep school. 

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Prep Honor Lesson

The Honor Lesson today at the Prep school involved a hands on activity in the Auditorium. What does soap, water and Propane gas get you? Check out the Blog for more information about their Honor Lesson!

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Team Building at the Prep School

This morning the Preppies had some action outside on the Parade Field and Football field. The activities were all squadron planned, with the mission objectives of teamwork, physical activity and a lesson overview on what respect means to them. Click the Blog to see more information!

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Prep Football Practice

The Huskys are getting ready for their season opener agains New Mexico Military Institute (NMMI) on August 22nd.  We dropped by practice this afternoon to see how preparations were going.

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