Another day of intramurals.
Webguy's Prep School Blog
As promised the photos from last night are all processed and await your viewing. The Basics are feeling strong. We have lots to show and tell you this morning.
For the Prep School Basics today marks one more week to go in Basic Military Training.
Today was the first parade practice for the Prep Basics. They will be awesome at this by Parents Weekend!
Some of the Prep Basics from Charlie Flight had a lesson about attention to detail today.
Today was the first day of intramurals for the Prep Basics. Pretty sure everyone was looking forward to them.
Even though this morning was a repeat of the past two days, the weather held and it was a very busy day for your basics.
Welp, here were are. End of the first week of BMT. The Basics have come a long way in a short time, but they still have a ways to go.