I-Day Round 2 Photo Processing Update

Today the WebTeam completed final edits and uploaded Female Hairstyling, Core Values Ramp as well as the Oath photos! 




Your I-Day photo album is now up to 19,760 photos!  To make navigating to certain zones/events you can use the page number guide below.

Please make sure you sort the pages "Newest to Oldest" and start at the following pages:

Drop off @ HAC, 161 - 231 Link: Page 161

Admissions, 231 - 291 Link: page 231

Oath, pages 1 - 88 Link: page 1

Bus ride from Field House, 469 - 490 Link: page 469

Footprints,  291 - 469 Link: page 291 (please note there was 2 photograhers at Footprints, be sure to check out all pages for different angles)

Core Values Ramp, 100 - 116 Link: page 100

Women's Hairstyling, 116 - 161 Link: page 116

We expect to have Men's Haircuts edited and uploaded tomorrow. 

You can find I-Day photos under, Classes > 2024 > InProcessing or click the link below.
