
CATM (Combat Arms Training and Maintenance): The course trains basic cadets on the nomenclature, assembly/disassembly, and safe operation of the M-4 carbine rifle.  Basic cadets fire the Air Force Qualification Course (AFQC). If basic cadets earn an expert rating for the M-4 AFQC, they will be authorized the wear of the USAF small arms expert ribbon.

The M4 is a lightweight, shoulder fired weapon which can be comfortable carried and provides dependability and accuracy. There are approximately 18 cadre (green hats) that help instruct the basics on how to load and unload their M-4 Carbine. They also instruct on how to properly clear a jammed rifle, the various firing positions that can be used, and how to sight their rifle for accuracy with iron sites onto an M68 optic target. There are also 4 active duty Security Forces Instructors (red vests) to help the cadre and the basics.

The basics will receive classroom instructions first and then go to the range to practice what they have been taught. The importance of safety and how to properly maintain and use the M4 is the focus of this course.

Barbarians had severe thunderstorms yesterday so their range time was delayed. If there is lightening within 5 miles of the range, the Basics are not allowed to go out to their targets. So for those that were shooting in the afternoon, there may not be photos of them at their targets.




The course is several hours long and to get an entire squadron through takes a full day. Due to the longer day, the blog and photos for CATM will always go up the following day on Webguy and Facebook.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The find these photos go to CLASSES > 2024 > BCT2 > BARBARIANS 
