BCT Day 1

Today's Coverage: 

The Cadet Store is located in Vandenberg Hall. The C-Store sells necessities that basics will need during Basic Cadet Training (BCT). 

We were also at Uniform Issue, today was catch up for anything that was not issued yesterday.

There was a lot of other activity that was happening that we were not able to cover. It was a busy day for them. 


Note again, we did not get every squadron today nor every flight. This is a view into life as a basic. 




To view photos by squadron, go to CLASSES > 2028 > BCT-1.  Sort order must be first set to OLDEST to NEWEST.  Due to the mass visits to the both locations we were unable to sort by squadron today. 

Morning Uniform Issue: Executioners, Demons, Guts and Hellcats can be seen on pages 1-4 or click here.

Afternoon Uniform Issue: Aggressors, Barbarians, Cobras can be seen on pages 27-33 or click here. 

The Cadet Store was visited by: Hellcats, Cobras, Barbarians, Aggressors on pages 4-27 or click here.


WebTeam Note: Don't forget to write your basic! They love mail!