ESET Your Heart Out!

Hello all, WebHatter here.

Colorado Springs welcomed fog to us this morning in ESET. Lots of fog. It's been a rough day out there because of the weather. But somehow your Cadets still had smiling faces through it all. Go Cadets!

We covered several areas in ESET today, somewhat of a continuation of the last several weeks for Day 7. Mainly because we are able to see some good action and communication between the Cadets and the Cadre who man each location for the scenarios they have to play out throughout the day.

The locations that WebFox and I went to today were Mout, Recon 3 and Downed Helo.

At Mout each group had to come up with a scenario and make a plan of rescue for their Cadre who was being held captive.

Over at Recon 3 the groups of Cadets had to evade the Cadre/"Enemy" at that station and avoid capture.

Then finally at Downed Helo they had to assist the "injured" pilots and make sure that they weren't surrounded and attacked by the Cadre/"Enemy." The "injured" Cadre used paint and make-up to make his leg look hurt and the Cadets had to help him with First Aid.

Tonight they go out into the wild and have to survive on their own for two days. Check back in the next few days for pictures from today.