2021 Majors Night

This event is mainly centered around the Sophomore class and Freshman class.



The sophomores (if they haven't already) must choose their major this year. While the Freshman are able to get a taste of all the different majors that the Academy has to offer.



C4C’s and C3C’s got to visit Fairchild Hall and talk to upper classmen and teachers about the Majors offered at USAFA. Each semester, the Academy hosts Majors’ Night to help cadets explore their options by speaking with department representatives and consulting with academic advisors or AAOCAs. There are 31 Majors and 14 Minors to choose from.



Cadets can declare a major from day one, but it’s recommended that they wait until later in their fourth-class (freshman) year to allow for course adjustments during their first semesters. To declare a major, a cadet meets with their Associate Air Officers Commanding for Academics (AAOCAs). Cadets must declare a major by October of their third semester.


Aeronautical Engineering Electrical & Computer Engineering Meteorology
American Studies Minor English Military & Strategic Studies
Astronautical Engineering Foreign Area Studies Nuclear Weapons & Strategy Minor
Basic Sciences Foreign Language Minors Operations Researc
Behavioral Sciences General Engineering Philosophy Major/Minor
Biology Geospatial Science Physics
Chemistry History Political Science
Civil Engineering Humanities Religion Studies Minor
Computer Science Legal Studies Social Sciences
Cyber Science Management Space Operations
Data Science Mathematics Space Warfighting Minor
Diversity and Inclusion Studies Minor Mechanical Engineering Systems Engineering


To view the rest of the photos from Major’s Night go to GALLERIES > Academics > Academic Studies. Set photo order OLDEST to NEWEST. Select start page or click the link below.

***Photo order must be set OLDEST to NEWEST for the link below to take you to the correct start page.

2021 Majors Night pgs. 1-21   Majors Night