Academic Year WebGuy Coverage

The summer programs of BCT/BMT, ILT, and Airfield have ended and everyone is now transitioning to the 2021-2022 Academic Year.  What does this mean for WebGuy coverage?

There will still be WebGuy coverage of events, but definitely not daily.  Most likely it will be weekly and it will depend on what events take place that WebGuy will have access to photograph.  We do try and photograph each of the three Airfield programs- Jump 490, Powered Flight and Soaring AM-250-251.  WebGuy will focus more on Club sports and activities instead of collegiate sports-they usually get coverage through other avenues at the Academy.  We do cover some of the events if time and opportunity allow.  

If you go into GALLERIES on our webpage, you can click on various albums to get an idea of what types of events we cover.  We do not cover everything, but we do try and photograph a variety of programs or events to give you all a general overview of the cadet life and hopefully we capture your cadet at some point during the year.