
I just want to reiterate a few notes about what you should and shouldn't expect. Do not expect daily photos of your Basic. We cannot get everyone at everything. 


Furthermore, please do not expect equal coverage of squadrons daily. Each squadron goes through different activities on any given day. Some activities will be full of opportunities for us to get a lot of photos at. Others won't. If your squadron is going through something such as Security Clearances, there won't be many photos posted of that for the day. If they're going through something like the dentist, or the tailor shop, there will probably be more photos. Please do not count the number of photos your squadron has and compare it to other squadrons. We are well aware of our photo counts for each squadron, and they will all even out by the end of the summer.


We've been getting a lot of messages regarding photo counts in the past few days. Please remember that we aren't even a week into BCT, and there will be plenty of photos coming. We're doing our best to keep it as even as we can, but some days are trickier than others. Thank you for your understanding.