Thursday Fountain Jumps!

Almost done! There is light at the end of the tunnel for the seniors as they finish up their finals and prepare for graduation.  



I can only imagine how tough it has been for the remaining seniors to see their friends doing the traditional fountain jump after their last final as they have to continue studying until the end.  But thankfully Thursday's seniors made it and they had better weather for their jumps.  Maybe being at the end isn't so bad after all!



Although the weather was better today than previous days this week, the water is still very cold and quite a shock to most of the Firsties as they take the plunge into the fountains.  The tradition of doing a fountain jump after a seniors last final started with the very first graduating class of 1959.  Although there was a period where there were no fountains so no jumps possible. Thankfully the fountains came back 20 years ago and the tradition resumed.



The Air Garden and Fountains have been under construction this past year with the goal of the redesign to capture the original garder and fountain character.  Although the construction is still ongoing, some of the fountains are complete and were filled for the fountain jumps.



Enjoy the photos from Thursday's Fountain Jumps!

To view photos from Thursday, go to Galleries > Extracurricular > Graduation Week.  Set photo order OLDEST to NEWEST.  Select start page (95-112) or click on the link below.

Thursday Fountain Jump 2021 - Thursday Jumps!