Summer ESET - Period 1 Group 2!

We're back with coverage of the 2nd Group going through ESET!

Expeditionary, Survival, and Evasion Training (ESET) is a required training program all rising 3 degree Cadets must go through. 

The purpose of ESET is to briefly introduce aspects of operational deployed environments to Cadets to prepare them, and give them a quick look into what they may be asked to do in the near future.  The training lasts ten days and is split between classroom and field exercises. 

Students will live in one of the two mock  Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) while being trained by the Combat Operations and Survival Squadrons.  The two FOBs, Chapman and Cunningham, are named after two Air Force Pararescuemen killed in action in Afghanistan. The Students learn in one FOB and then move to the other to be evaluated by different Cadre.  Cadet Cadre in the Survival and Combat Ops squadrons have been preparing since January for their teaching roles. 


Cadets going through Survival training will learn about: setting snares, preparing small and large game, building shelters, making fires, setting signals, recovering aircrew members who have gone down in hostile territory, evading capture, and several other more secretive training exercises. 

Cadets going through Combat Operations training will learn about: patrolling for hostiles, military operations in urban terrain (MOUT), M9 firing and assembly, integrated base defense, counter IED training, and more.


Pictures from 1st Periods, 2nd Group of ESET are up!

To view the rest of the pictures from our visit go to; Galleries - Summer Programs - ESET. Or click the link below. Make sure you switch it to 17-18 Academic Year or you will be looking at last years pictures!

1st Period ESET Group 2