Physical Training - July 4

Happy Independence day WebFam! We hope you are all having a fun and safe 4th! We were able to capture Aggressors, Barbarians, Cobras, Demons, Executioners, Flying Tigers, Gut and Hellcats today! We are thrilled to have captured all squadrons out there today! Please keep in mind that individual flights schedules may look different and there could be a chance some where not at the workout this morning. 



Please make sure your photo sort is from OLDEST to NEWEST

To view photos -- CLASSES -- 2028 -- BCT-1 -- ALL -- VERY BOTTOM OF PG. 334 or Click links below

Barbarians and Cobras pg. 334-345

Aggressors and Flying Tigers pg. 345-356

Demons and Guts pg. 356-362

Executioners and Hellcats pg. 362-380