Prep School Meet and Greets

Before the big Prep School In-processing day, Cadet Candidates and their families had two opprotunites to get together!

On Tuesday, July 9th, CC's and families gathered at the US Olympic and Paralympic Museum to meet one another and make important conncetions. 

On Wednesday, July 10th, CC's and families gathered at the Space foundation and Discovery Center to connect with one another and meet Art Premas, Deputy Director of USAFA Preparatory school. 

The Association and Foundation Membership team was out to support families and provide information for them about their memberships for their Prep School journey!



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To view photos of the US Olympic and Paralympic Museum select CLASSES -- PREP SCHOOL -- INPROCESSING -- PG. 1 or CLICK HERE!

To view photos of the Space Foundation and Discovery Center select CLASSES -- PREP SCHOOL -- INPROCESSING -- PG. 10 (bottom) or CLICK HERE!