Airfield Friday

Summer period 2 finished up on Davis Airfield this week.

What a beautiful week at the Airfield!  Cadets finished up their final flights and are gearing up for the last period of the summer.  It was a little warm out there as you can see from the photos! 

In just 3 short weeks, cadets from the jump program finish 5 jumps to recieve their wings, soaring finishes up with a solo flight where the cadet takes charge of the aircraft, and powered flight performs several flights that they prepare for.  It is quiet impressive to see the amount of learing and material that they learn in such a short amount of time!  

During the summer, Davis Airfield is one of the busiest airfields in the country!

The Webguy team really enjoys being out there capturing all of these memories for the families!


For photos of Jump, click HERE:

For photos of Soaring, click HERE:

For photos of Powered Flight, click HERE: