Welcome to Upperclassman Summer!

Welcome to Summer Upperclassmen Families,

The WebGuy Team has already been out getting Summer Period 1 coverage and we are excited to share it with you!  We wanted to share a little bit about how this summer is going to look. Remember, WebGuy is here to capture the story of the Academy at this moment in time.

We are excited to capture Azimuth! This is a newer program we are covering, with our commitment to share everything that we can. We will be doing postings for that after every summer period wraps up. 

CST Thursdays, we will be posting CST coverage every Thursday this summer starting June 13th. Coverage during each period may vary as we work to cover the CST story.

Airfield Fridays, we will post on the Airfield every Friday and coverage may vary. This usually happens to be due to the weather. Not sure if you’ve looked recently but Colorado is truly having a green spring and summer, which is due to a lot of rain. While the locals are here for it, we understand it’s not the best for those who want to see their cadet. Some Fridays might have more coverage than others but know we’re out there!

FERL photos will be posted on Mondays, starting today, June 10th! FERL only lasts 3 week so we will have posts for June 10th, 17th and wrap up on the 24th.

BCT Cadre families, we do not just capture basics; we capture cadre as well. Note that we will post pictures at the end of each BCT session. We’ll give you notice to look out for those.

We may have some other upperclassmen coverage up our sleeves, we’re working out some details on that.

We appreciate you following WebGuy for the last year or even the last three years that your cadet has been at the Academy. The team is excited for the summer and wanted to share that enthusiasm with you with a sneak peek into what to expect. We also appreciate your patience; we know it’s hard to wait to see photos of your cadets, but we hope the wait is worth it!

 Here’s to a great summer of 2024!