BCT Day 2

By now the Basics are slowly settling into their routine. We were able to do some coverage today at the Cadet Store (aka CStore) while squadrons went to purchase needed items. 



Demons, Executioners, Flying Tigers, and Guts were all seen. 

We did sort into squadron galleries the best that we could, however, a few flights showed up when other squadrons were still there. We recommend today going through the BCT 1 Gallery Oldest to Newest Page 33 or CLICK HERE. 

This is concludes our coverage for this first week! We encourage you to read the blog that was posted earlier today (click here), review the over 17,000 pictures in hopes you find a picture of your loved one you missed! With multiple photographers at most locations we hope you did find them in our I Day coverage. Write letters to your basics, they LOVE mail! Over the weekend they will attend briefings, continue to settle in to life as a Basic and have some resiliency time on Sunday. 

See you Monday!