AF Tailgates - FAU and West Point

Over the last couple of months, the AOG has traveled to Florida and New York to host the Air Force Tailgate for away football games. WebGuy was there as well, catching the Cheer Team and Drum and Bugle in action! Click the blog to read more and see photos.

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Our coverage of the Soaring Program continues. Click the blog to read more and where to see the most recent photo coverage.

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Intramural Semifinals

The semifinals for flickerball pitted Squad 11 vs 9 and Squad 25 vs 40. The ultimate frisbee match up was Squad 24 vs 39 and 12 vs 7. Click the blog to read more and see who won!

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Last time we covered Jump AM-490 Ground Training. This time around we got some of the cadets out on the airfield putting that training to use. Click the blog to read about this session and where to find the photos.

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