General Rand's Final Prep School Visit

We were finally given the green light to post the pictures from this event! Back in October, 4 Star General Rand stopped by the Prep School to talk with the current class. Click the blog to find out who General Rand is and what he spoke about with the Preppies.

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An Evening with the Commandant: A Leadership Dinner

This month the Commandant had the last Leadership Dinner for the academic year. Over a span of a couple months, all the first class cadets from every squadron were invited to her home. In the last couple of weeks, the Commandant invited over 13 cadet squadrons to her home for an Evening with the Commandant: A Leadership Dinner. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from the dinners.

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Spring PFT

Last week, the Prep School had their Spring PFT and we were there to catch a glimpse of the C/C's as they went through each station. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights.

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3rd Quarter Rope Ceremony

This week, the Prep School had their 3rd Quarter Rope Ceremony. Cadet Candidates who have reached military excellence by achieving the highest scores in military training, athletics and academics were awarded Ropes. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights!

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