2021 Recognition

Hey WebFamilies! We want to thank you for your patience in waiting for our coverage of 2021's Recognition. Photos are going up into the Galleries as we speak and the blog has been updated as well! Congratulations to the Class of 2021! Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from our glimpse into Recognition!

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Prep All Academy Day

The Prep School Cadet Candidates got to spend the day up on the Hill yesterday, attending classes and getting a tour of the different buildings. Click the blog to read more!

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Minnesota Night

USAFA welcomed the Minnesota Parent Club last month with their 1st Annual Minnesota Night. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from our glimpse into the evening!

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B-Go Cadets Going Through Jump!

We're back with coverage from the Spring Semester's B-Go as the Cadets have been making their way through their 5 jumps at AM-490! Click the blog to read more and for highlights from our recent coverage!

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Spring Intramurals 1st Go

It's the 1st Go of Intramurals for the Spring semester and we were able to stop recently to catch both an M and T day of the Cadets in the midst of Kickball and Basketball. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights!

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