Louisiana Night

This past week, four Louisiana Parents hosted the 2nd Louisiana Night. Click the blog for highlights and to read more about the evening!

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USAFA Baseball Club

This weekend the USAFA Baseball Club had their first games of the season against Colorado College, and we were there to catch them in action. Click the blog to find out who won and to see highlights!

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Preppies Take Flight!

This afternoon, C/C Sophia Estes, C/C Maisha Farjana and C/C Boreth Pech got the opportunity to go down to the Airfield and experience what it is like to fly in a glider! Click the blog to read more and to see highlights!

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Jump & Soaring!

We're back with coverage from the Spring Semester's A-Go as the Cadets have been making their way through their 5 jumps at AM-490! And over at Soaring Cadets are getting through their 4 initial flights in AM-251! Click the blog to read more about Jump & Soaring and for highlights from our recent coverage!

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Prep School 2018 Exemplar Dinner

The Prep School had their Exemplar Dinner this evening at the Falcon Club to honor the Prep School 2018 Class Exemplar Lieutenant Colonel Ida L Widmann. To read more about the evening and to see highlights click the link below!

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An Evening with the Commandant: A Leadership Dinner

What used to be known as Mission Element Dinners at the Commandant's house have recently been renamed, "An Evening with the Commandant: A Leadership Dinner". This week the Commandant and her family hosted two Leadership Dinners at the Otis House. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from this week's dinners.

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