The 10th Annual Texas Night, hosted by the Parent Clubs of Texas was held in the Arnold Hall Ballroom last Friday. Click on the blog to read more and to see highlights.
Webguy's Blog
This past weekend, USAFA hosted Andy Grammer for their Cadet Entertainment Spring Concert. Click the blog to read more and see highlights.
The USAFA Parents Association of New Jersey hosted their 7th New Jersey Night at the Arnold Hall Ball Room. Click on the blog to read more and to see highlights of their event.
The first ever Firstie Departure 101 held by the Association of Graduates to help the graduating class connect with the AOG was held at Doolittle Hall last night. Click on the blog to read more and to see highlights of this event.
Northwestern Preparatory School held a pizza party for all of the cadets at USAFA (currently 140) who graduated from their program. Click on the blog to read more and to see highlights of this event.
Today marks the last day of Recognition. Click the blog to read more and see highlights from today's coverage.
Photos from Day 2 (March 8th) of Recognition are up! Click the blog for links to the photos.
Recognition continued on today with courses designed to test the cadets both mentally and physically. Click the blog to read more and see highlights.