2018 Polaris Idol

This weekend the Academy had their annual Polaris Idol in Arnold Hall. So many talented cadets participated. Click the blog for highlights of the event and to see who won!

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German Proficiency Badge

Recently, the C/C's participated in International Military Skills Competition otherwise known as the German Proficiency Badge. We want to give a huge shout out to MSgt Nick Roberts for providing us with these pictures. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights. 

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Cadet 4 A Day

On Friday last week the Academy hosted Gavin Fletcher and his family for Cadet 4 a Day. Click the blog for highlights and to read more about this amazing program!

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We're back with coverage of Cadets going through the final Spring Soaring Go for the academic year! Click the blog to see highlights and to read more!

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Eastern Massachusetts Night

Yesterday, the Academy welcomed the Eastern Massachusetts Parent Club with their 8th annual Eastern Massachusetts Night! Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from the event!

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