Missouri Night

This week the Academy welcomed the Parent Club of Metro St. Louis with their 1st annual Missouri Night! Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from the event!

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Security Forces Demo

Earlier this week the C/C's were shown several demonstrations to give them some insight on what it means to be in a Security Forces career and the types of things they can do or work with, within their jobs. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from each of the demonstrations.

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2nd Go Intramurals

It's the 2nd Go of Intramurals for the Spring semester and we were able to catch both an M and T day of the Cadets in the midst of Softball and Volleyball this week. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights.

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Utah Night

This week, the Utah USAFA Parent's Club hosted their 2nd Annual Utah Night at USAFA. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from the evening!

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Texas Night

Last month the Academy welcomed the Texas Parent Clubs, hosting the 9th Annual Texas Night. We want to thank all of you for your patience in our getting this blog up! Click the blog for highlights and to read more!

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Founder's Day Parade

This morning, the Cadet Wing took part in the annual Founder's Day Parade, this year is the 64th anniversary of the US Air Force Academy's establishment. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from today's parade.

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Tennessee Night

USAFA welcomed the Tennessee Parent Clubs this month with their 1st Annual Tennessee Night. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from the evening!

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Air Force History

This week at the Prep School Sgt Roberts talked to the C/C's about Air Force History. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from our glimpse into their lesson.

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