Georgia Night

The 5th annual "Georgia On My Mind" night hosted by the USAFA Georgia Parents Club was held last week in the Arnold Hall ballroom. Click on the blog to read more and to highlights of the event.

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Nebraska Night

The USAFA Parents' Association of Nebraska held their 3rd annual Nebraska Night in the Arnold Hall Ballroom. To read more and to see highlights of the event click on the blog.

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Academic Working Group Lunch

Brig. Gen. Andrew Armacost, Dean of Faculty, USAFA held a staff tower lunch to recognize and thank the efforts of the cadets who have served on the Academic Working Group. To read more and to see highlights click on the blog.

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Chicago Night

Monday evening the Illinois Parents Clubs of USAFA hosted their 11th annual Chicago Night in the Arnold Hall Ballroom. Click on the blog to read more and to see highlights of the event.

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Founders Day Parade

On Saturday morning, the USAFA cadets celebrated their legacy and future on the Terrazzo with the Founders Day parade. Click on the blog to read more and to see highlights from this event.

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Spring Intramurals M & T Days

This week we covered both M and T days of Spring Intramurals. We were able to capture the cadets competing in basketball, dodgeball, volleyball and softball. Click on the blog to read more and to see highlights.

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Dean’s Teams Reception

Brig. Gen. Andrew Armacost Dean of Faculty, US Air Force Academy hosted the Dean's Teams Reception at the Heritage House. Click on the blog to read more and to see highlights.

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