WebGuy has finished editing the photos from Prep School In Processing Day and they are now up for viewing. To read more and to see highlights, click on the blog.
Webguy's Blog
Basic Cadets continue to bring uniform items into the Tailor Shop to be hemmed or tailored. Barbarians and Cobras had their turn this week. To read more and see highlights, click on the blog.
Demons and Flying Tigers made their way through the Cadet Store this week. To see highlights and read more, click on the blog.
USAF Prep School In-Processing was today and WebGuy was there to capture the start of their Prep year. To read more and to see highlights, click on the blog.
Executioners made their way to the Clothing Issue store to start getting more of their uniforms issued. To see highlights and read more, click on the blog.
The Cadet Store saw more action again as the Barbarians made their way through shopping for supplies. To read more and see highlights, click on the blog.
The Tailor Shop continues to be busy as the Demons have their turn to drop off uniform items to be tailored. To read more and see highlights, click on the blog.
Tomorrow is the Big Day for the USAFA Prepatory School Class of 2022.