Prep I-Day Minus 3

The first arrivals to the USAFA Preparatory School Class of 2019 have arrived!  USAFA Prep In-Processing Day isn't until next Wednesday, but today was reporting day for the prior enlisted airmen appointees. 

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Sunday Summary #3

Hey WebFamilies, we're back with another Sunday Summary Blog. Click the link to see some highlights from this week and and a short preview of next week!

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Intramurals & Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo

We’re back with information on this morning’s Intramurals and the fun instore for your Basics at the 78th Annual Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo! Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from what to expect to see from our coverage today!

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Friday Wrap Up

The last Squadron has made it to Uniform Issue and just in time for the start of BCT 2 tomorrow! Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from our glimpse into Demons Squadron going through Uniform Issue.

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Field Day Is Here!

Pictures are being edited as we speak and will hopefully be going up in the next couple of hours. In the meantime, click the blog to read more and to see highlights from our coverage of Field Day!

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