Prep Graduation Week!

Hey Prep Families! We want to first and foremost give each and every one of you our well wishes and congratulations for the accomplishments of each of your C/C's! Click the blog to read more about the Prep School Graduation Week and to see highlights from each of the events we covered!

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Blue Bards Club - West Side Story

This semester the Blue Bards Theatre Club has been preparing for the Spring semester production of "West Side Story". We had the chance to catch them during a dress rehearsal this week and we were blown away Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from our visit.

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Arkansas Night

USAFA recently welcomed the Arkansas USAFA Parent's Association with their first ever Arkansas Night. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights from the evening!

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Prep TX Day 4 - Finished!

Your C/C's are officially done with Prep TX, and to finish it off this morning the C/C's began a Logistics March from Ice Lake all the way out to Jacks Valley by way of the Sante Fe Trail. Click the blog to read about their day and about their Prep TX celebratory Lunch!

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Prep TX Day 3 - Ice Lake

Day 3 of Prep TX was yesterday, the C/C's started their day off early using coordinates to navigate across the academy to different stations. Click the blog to read more about their day and to see highlights!

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Day 2 of Prep TX - Fireman's Challenge, Biofuel Challenge, and Poetry Slam

We're back with more coverage of Prep TX! After the Bag Drag event yesterday morning the C/C's participated in several more events throughout the day. Including the Fireman's Challenge, Biofuel Challenge, and the Poetry Slam after dinner. Today the C/C's are doing activities outside, including lots of hiking, we will be posting our coverage of today's activities tomorrow so be sure to check back! Click the blog to read more about the rest of yesterday's events and to see highlights!

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Friday Fountain Jumps!

We're back with more Firsties jumps from today! By this point in the week, most of the Firsties have finished taking their finals, enjoy our last fountain jump blog for the class of 2018! Click the blog to read more and to see highlights!

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Prep TX

Prep TX officially began last night with the Bridge Destruction event and this morning they had the Bag Drag event. Click the blog to read more and to see highlights of the first two Prep TX events!

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