Study Break Treats At The Prep School

The Association of Graduates had a blast hosting their first “Study Break Treats” for the Prep School on Tuesday night! PB & Jellies was their guest and brought in several varieties of peanut butter and jellies so individual sandwich creations could be enjoyed. Check out the blog for more about the event!

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All Academy Day For The Prep School

The Prep School had an All Academy Day yesterday up on the Hill. The entire Prep Class was paired off with Cadets from the four different classes and had the opportunity to shadow them - we had the chance to attend the Academic classes and the Mitchell Hall portion. Check out the blog for more details!

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Pb & Jellies Gifts!

Order tonight and PB & Jellies will pick two random winners from those who order to receive 2 movie tickets to Carmike Theatre at the Chapel Hills Mall! Click the link for more details!

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